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گفتاردرمانی (speech & language pathology)
this is a place for conversation about < speech & language pathology >
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کل بازدید : 16644
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Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD)

What is Auditory Processing?

  • What happens when your brain recognizes and interprets the sounds around you.

·         Humans hear sound through the ear and is then interpreted by the brain

What You Should Know About Auditory Processing Disorders?

  • CAPD may run in families
  • CAPD can occur with or without hearing loss
  • CAPD can affect a person"s ability to interact socially
  • Children with CAPD typically have normal intelligence
  • Many of the difficulties that are experienced by people with CAPD are also common to people with ADD and hearing impairments

Common Symptoms of CAPD:

·         Poor expressive or receptive language

·         Difficulty with reading comprehension, spelling, and vocabulary

·         Difficulty following long conversations

·         Problems understanding or remembering orally-presented information

·         Difficulty following verbal directions especially when involving multi-step directions

·         Inappropriate responses to "wh" questions

·         Problems with rhyming or identifying words that start with the same letter, etc.)

·         Needs extra time processing information

·         Frequently needs repetition of directions or information

·         Difficulty taking notes

·         Difficulty with tasks requiring attention

·         Difficulty learning a foreign language or challenging vocabulary words

·         Decreased comprehension in noisy environments

·         Difficulty repeating words or numbers in sequence

·         Difficulty with phonics or speech sounds

گزارش...       CAPD

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